We appreciate them more than anything and their hard work, dedication, and compliancy needs to be showcased.
Check out their stories!




“Luke has a wonderful, no BS style of teaching that gets to the core of fat loss issues. Many of the things I learnt go against “conventional” fitness industry trends and forces you to look at the most recent up-to-date data. I’d highly recommend any personal trainer or coach to take this course who is looking to think outside the box and push their beliefs for the benefit of their clients. Thanks guys :)”

“Yes, I would love to attend again and again and again. It’s good to get away from home and be in another environment to get all this information in without thinking of other things. I don’t know the outlines of level 2, but try not to squeeze the info more together than the setting from level 1. I love the tempo you’re teaching 🙂 (Cheers Patrick)”

“I would definitely attend another event. Luke simplified complex information that is going to allow me to help myself and clients benefit from his experience and mine. That ability to teach needs to be put to other topics! Just making sure things stay organized and not making the mistakes of other individuals out there like growing their business too large they become unmanageable. Muscle Nerds looks to becoming a very unique brand with credibility and it will be important for Luke and Zoe to ensure the brand maintains that level of quality coaching and coaches. It was nice to hear that future advanced levels will have pre-requisites and testing necessary to attend. The worst thing at a seminar that deals with complicated topics is to have individuals who haven’t ever been exposed to the subject matter or people who have difficulty learning complex information and slowing down the rest of the class’s learning pace so not enough time is spent covering the material. You see this happen at seminars where the pace slowed down too much and at the end of the day, the instructor goes thru 30-100 slides in seconds and minutes versus spending the proper time required to understand the material. P.S. – It was also nice having the cognitive supps to take to be exposed to and help during class! Thank you for the great seminar!!!! Lou Aquino”

“This course has changed my life and my partner’s life. I am a healthier and happier person because of the information Luke has given us. My clients are now reaping the benefits and getting awesome results. its a course that is basically common sense – we are re-learning how we should have done things to start off with. Keeping it simple, de-stressing, focusing on health rather than aesthetics.. and in the end, you’ll be healthy AND look good. WIN. I think this is a course ALL PT’s do, so there aren’t people roaming the world messing with peoples metabolisms and long term health. Thanks for everything Luke!”

“TBH, I’d struggle to give other course providers the investment after this week, it was just so valuable. I’ve gone to so many seminars looking for the trick or secret, to no avail, left with info only to train athletes/physique competitors and the sexy stuff, this is instantly usable for 100% of my clients, not the 5%, but the real-world Mary Muffin tops who we actually train and deal with. I’ve been left with mountains of real-world knowledge and tool’s and will be implementing them asap. Both on myself and clients with confidence.”

“Without a doubt, I would go to another. It was a really great 5 days- one of the best value, most information-packed seminars I have been too and it was done with a really great group of students as well which was fantastic. You guys have obviously both put a lot of work into your programs and it shows. You should be proud of the way you are changing the industry to FINALLY start looking at health from the inside out and not being like every other douche that is happy to get a jacked physique with little regard to what’s happening under the surface. Really great work and I look forward to the next one. Only critical feedback is adding that glossary so I can make more sense of my notes haha. I also think you guys should look at doing some short webinar courses on a monthly or bi-monthly basis. I would be in on that for sure- covering a variety of topics from digestive health, stress, through to training programs and everything else in between. Would be a great additional revenue stream for you. I know it’s anonymous but thanks again for everything over the last week- I know it will all make a big difference in our business and can’t wait to fully implement it. Clint”

Dogtown Fitness, Santa Monica, CA.
“The Muscle Nerds Level 1 and 2 education has been nothing short of a breath of fresh air. Here is a group of individuals that are moving the needle, in a positive direction, in the health and fitness industry. Luke and Zoe have turned programming on its head with a health first approach. Muscle Nerds Education has a focused intent to deliver optimal results with a practical approach for the largest sector of the market, the general population. The value I’ve found from the Muscle Nerds Level 1 and Level 2 education is what needs to be happening to reach problems like the 80,000 lower limb amputees from diabetes in the United States annually. I cannot thank Luke and Zoe enough. A top-notch education at an affordable price, every professional in the fitness industry should take these courses. With gratitude, I am truly grateful to this group of coaches.”

“Without hesitation. In all the courses I have done, this is by far the one that resonated with me the most. It’s practical, realistic information for us as coaches that we can instantly share with our clients and further establish trust because we care more about their overall health long term. Other courses I’ve walked away slightly overwhelmed, and thought “this is too technical, how can I apply this to my clients?”I actually went home the first two nights and re-read my notes, looked up the concepts I wanted to learn more about. I left inspired, not mentally drained. Muscle Nerds, not only have you made me want to keep learning, but you’ve taught me about finding balance – I had so many light-bulb moments during the course! Luke and Zoe, keep doing what you’re doing; I can’t wait to do more courses with you in the future. Kal”
When you work with Muscle Nerds you’ll have a designated coach to look over your progress and help you strive for success with your goals. You’ll also be supported by the whole Muscle Nerd’s team as you’ll see the teams expertise and experience written into each and every program – guaranteeing you the best solutions for your goals.
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