Nov 12, 2020
The compound in Crucera-SGS, sulforophane glucosinolate is an antioxidant extract from broccoli seed. When ingested, an enzyme found in the gut, myrosinase, converts the glucosinolate to its active form, sulforophane.
Sulforophane activates ARE, the antioxidant response element, and increases antioxidants and detoxification enzymes, especially in phase II detoxification, which tends to not be as active as phase I detoxification. This can balance out detoxification pathways, especially for metabolising estrogens through their proper pathways, helping to eliminate more potent and possibly carcinogenic (cancer-producing) estrogens and their metabolites.
SGS provides longer-lasting antioxidant activity and free radical protection than other antioxidants like vitamins C and E.
Our preferred method of increasing sulforophane is through cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower, but the preparation of your veggies is important. The enzyme myrosinase is damaged by heat, so we recommend lightly steaming your broccoli for 4-5 minutes will activate the enzymes necessary to form sulforophane. It’s also important to use fresh, not frozen veggies to take advantage of this compound, since blanching the veggies before freezing can reduce the availability of sulforophane. Current research has also shown that chopping broccoli and then waiting 90 minutes before cooking can increase sulforophane content up to 200%!
For people who don’t like cruciferous veggies, or for people who can’t have them because of digestive issues, then 1-2 capsules of Thorne Crucera-SGS is advised.
For clients that have had issues with estrogen, or are susceptible to estrogen-based cancers, like a family history of breast cancer, we highly advise a prophylactic dose of 50-100mg of SGS a day.
There have been over 500 journal publications over the past few decades on sulforophane, so it’s quite heavily researched, and for good reason!
If this sounds like something you would be interested in, email [email protected]. We keep this stocked and I take this personally, as well as other IOPC staff members.